How do I claim Opioid Dependence Treatment (ODT) programs through the Pharmacy Programs Administrator (PPA)?

Claims for Oral and Injectable ODT can be claimed with the PPA through the Claims section of StrongER.


Claiming Oral ODT

In-pharmacy and Takeaway doses are calculated automatically, if they are not calculated correctly, see here

Note: Splitadditionaldouble and triple doses account for 1 day in the claims section per the PPA guidelines.

Once claims have been submitted to the PPA, they cannot be edited. Therefore, it is essential to verify that all information being submitted is accurate before proceeding with the claim in StrongER.

  1. Navigate to Claims on the left side menu, the Oral ODT claim will present the prior month for claiming
  2. (Optional) Select Taken+Missed if you are claiming for missed doses (See Taken or Taken+Missed below)
  3. Review the number of In-pharmacy and Takeaway doses for each patient (if the number of In-pharmacy and Takeaway doses are not correct, see here)
  4. Select the patients to be claimed individually or select all patients eligible for claiming, by selecting the tick box next to Patient
  5. Select Claim in the bottom right of the screen, review the Claim Declaration to finalised the claim, select I agree, enter your credentials and select Submit
  6. The claim will then be processed, once the claim has been completed, the status of each patient claimed for will change from Unclaimed to Claimed
  7. Log into the PPA portal and review the claim has been received by the PPA

If moving from another recording method such as a paper drug register, you can still claim for those doses in StrongER. Click on the patients's name on the Claims screen to expand their claim details, edit the number of In-pharmacy and Takeaway doses to the number provided of each type for the month being claimed. Then continue from step 4 above

PPA Keys last for 1 year from the date they were generated, if the key expires, you will need to update the PPA key in StrongER. Follow steps 1-4 here to view the key expiration date, and if the key is expired, continue following the steps to reauthenticate StrongER with the new PPA key.

If the status next to a patient is Error, be sure to record their ODT program consent if there is cross in consent, or record a medicare number for the patient if blank

Taken or Taken+Missed

On a pharmacy and an individual patient basis, the claim can be for Taken or Taken+Missed doses.

Taken: claims only the days of the month where a dose has been supplied to the patient.

Taken+Missed: claims for all days that the patient has a valid script for the month being claimed regardless of whether a dose has been supplied.

Please refer to the PPA website if you are unsure which option to choose.

Claiming Taken+Missed:

  • On a pharmacy basis: Select Taken+Missed at the top of the screen
  • On a per-patient basis: Click on the patients's name to expand their claim details, select Taken+Missed

Claiming Injectable ODT

  1. Navigate to Claims on the left side menu, select the Injectable ODT claim, the current month will display for claiming
  2. Select the patient/s to be claimed for by selecting the checkbox next to their name/s
  3. Select Claim in the bottom right of the screen, review the Claim Declaration to finalised the claim, select I agree, enter your credentials and select Submit
  4. The claim will then be processed, once the claim has been completed, the status of each patient claimed for will change from Unclaimed to Claimed
  5. Log into the PPA portal and review the claim has been received by the PPA

If you receive an error message on submitting the claim, please contact StrongRoom Support for assistance.