Fee (Per Patient) | Description |
$66.53 | Initial MedsCheck Service |
Campaign Aim
- Achieve 20 medschecks per month:
- Target Community DAA patients, polypharmacy patients and patients
that travel excessive distances that meet medschecks eligibility - Each month, as you complete the 20 medschecks place the patients into
a cohort titled “Month Medschecks Year” e.g. “May Medschecks 2023” - 12 months later you can then message the same patients if they still meet medschecks eligibility and remind them that their annual medication
review is due - If patients don’t meet eligibility you can deselect them and select
another patient to enter the cohort - Following this procedure allows you to consistently have a pool of
patients due for medschecks that you can easily contact with a touch of a button
- Target Community DAA patients, polypharmacy patients and patients
- 20 medschecks x $66.53 = $1,330.60
- $1,330.60 x 12 months = $15,967.20 per annum