Getting Started
Quick start videos and guides
Frequently Asked Questions

Managing Cannabis Products, Matching Cannabis Products and Creating Cannabis Products

Patient Profile
Payments, notes and alerts, searching for a patient profile and viewing a patient profile

Opioid Replacement Therapy
Buprenorphine dosing, backdating supplies, supplying OTP and entering an OTP script

Staged Supply
Entering a staged supply script, dispensing and claiming

Electronic Controlled Drug Register (eCDR)
Viewing the drug register, reverse a entry, partial supplies, owing prescriptions and integration

Enrolling a Patient
How to enrol a patient

Stock Management
Audit, transfer, stocktake, outgoing, destruction register, suppliers and invoices

Transactions, drug wallet, stock, payments, user roles, Queensland OTP reports (QOTP) and Western Australia OTP reports (WA OTP)
Users, Products, Doctors, Patients, Pharmacies and Suppliers
Claiming for Opioid Replacement and Staged Supply

Application Settings, Look and Feel, Database and Backup, Printer and Signature Pad