How do I exclude patients who have previously had "Zoster" dispensed against their profile

When sending out Shingrix campaign messages you may want to exclude patients who have had Zoster dispensed previously


1. Login into 'StrongER'

2. Click into 'StrongPro'

3. Select a patient cohort card e.g. Age group 65-69

4. Click on 'Filters'

5. Add any additional categories e.g. age groups etc.

7. Type Zoster into molecule search (Shingrix = Zoster)

8. Unselect the below 3 options 

image (3)

*You know you have completed the steps correctly if the selected molecule number in grey as displayed in the right-hand box indicates 4738 molecules selected*

9. Click 'submit'

10. This now creates a list excluding patients who have had Zoster dispensed against their dispensing profile

11. Continue as per usual to send the Shingrix template


**Please note - Shingrix vaccination information can be found at the link below:

The below information is an extract from the above Immunisation Handbook website.

"For Shingrix, a 2-dose schedule is recommended, 2–6 months apart, for people who are immunocompetent. For people who are immunocompromised, 2 doses of Shingrix are recommended at an interval of 1–2 months. Shingrix is funded under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for all adults aged ≥65 years, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged ≥50 years and selected groups aged ≥18 years with severe immunocompromise.

For Zostavax, a single dose is recommended. Zostavax is no longer used in the NIP.

There is currently no booster recommendation for either zoster vaccine."