What is "Reserved" stock?

The reserved stock is displayed under Stock Management > Stocktake

Your Reserved stock is the amount of medication that is assigned to staged supply patients. When you set up a staged supply script for a patient, the balance of the staged supply will be deducted from your Expected count and moved to the Reserved count. Then, as you supply from staged supply script in StrongER, the balances to you patients, it will deduct the balance from the patient's quantity, which will form part of the reserved count.

The reserved count should not form part of your stock on hand count, as this medication has already been deducted from your stock on hand and allocated to the patient. 

In the above image, for Targin 10/5, there is a reserved count of 53 tablets which is the balance for a staged supply, the expected count is 112. In this case if you are doing a balance check for Targin 10/5, you should expect 112 tablets in the safe (the 53 tablets in reserve does not form part of your stock balance for Targin 10/5).

If you would like to see, what Reserved stock is allocated to which patient, you can use the Drug Wallet report, which can be run from Reports > Drug Wallet