
How can I transfer stock to and from other pharmacies?


Transfer of stock between your pharmacy and another pharmacy (generally another pharmacy under the same owner or a local pharmacy in the area) can be managed on the Transfer page. Your pharmacy sends stock to (Transfer Out) or receives stock from (Transfer In) the pharmacy specified in the Location field. The stock movement is also recorded in the Drug Register

  1. Click on the Stock Management page on the sidebar
  2. From the drop-down menu, click Transfer
  3. Select the Transfer Type:

    In In is for transfers into the pharmacy
    Out Out is for transfers out of the pharmacy
  4. Select the Location of the transfer pharmacy in the drop-down menu
  5. Using the Product Search box, search for item(s) to be transferred
  6. Enter the quantity to be transferred

  7. Continue until all products to be transferred have been added, then click Continue
  8. The Confirm Transfer pop-up displays

  9. Review details and enter password, then click Confirm

The Transfer Pharmacy details are configured in Settings > Pharmacies > Add Pharmacy.