How to I record a stocktake?

The stocktake page is used for recording balance checks, and allows you to view the current balances in the Drug Register

  1. Click on the Stock Management > Stocktake on the left sidebar
  2. Use the filters at the top-right of the page to filter the medications as required. The filters 'DD' and 'Active' are on by default, but these may be unselected, and your required filters selected (a list of the what the filters are, and their purpose are listed at the end of this page). 
  3. To print the current stock levels for the displayed medications, use the export button  
  4. Your Expected count of the medication and your stock on hand should match, if there are any discrepancies between your actual count and the value listed in the Expected column, then you should resolve this prior to performing a balance check for that medication
  5. To confirm the stock count in the Expected column is correct and that your balance on hand is correct, we need to enter the Expected value into the Count field:

This can be done in the following ways:

    • Manually type in the Count value
    • Click the chevron icon to populate the Count value with the Expected value
    • Use the Enter key to populate the Count value with the Expected value and use Tab or the arrow keys to navigate between lines

5.   The Difference column will then display the following information:

No difference between the Expected value and the Count value will show a green box with a zero 
Any difference (higher or lower) between the Expected value and the Count value will show a red box with the discrepancy 

This gives a visual representation of any S8 count differences and allows the User to investigate discrepancies and rectify, as necessary

6.  Enter a reason for the stocktake in the Notes window at the bottom of the screen (e.g. Balance Check)

7.   Once all required stock counts are entered, click Continue

8.   The
Confirm Stocktake pop-up displays

9.   Review information, then enter username and password and click Confirm. The Last Count date will be updated accordingly, for the medications where the Count was entered

List of filters in Stocktake

The filter is active when background is full colour (shown below) and inactive when the background is white

Filter Filtering for 
DD (Dangerous of Dependence) Schedule 8 medications
Cannabis products
Opioid Therapy Program medications
'Staged Supply' Schedule 4 medications
Products added in by your pharmacy
Products due to be stock checked
Products with stock level recorded against
Products that have been used within the last 3 months


Products due for a stocktake have a red box around the Last Count date. The time frame set for this warning is configured in Settings > Application > Application Setting > Stocktake