Integrated Prescriptions (Balance Check enabled) - Multiple Prescriptions

How do I manage Incoming Prescriptions with Balance Check enabled for multiple prescriptions?

  1. Click on the Prescriptions button at the top, this can be done from anywhere within the application
  2. The integrated S8 prescriptions from your dispensing program will display
  3. Select the checkbox against multiple Patient and Drug entries to be added to the Drug Register (i.e. adding multiple prescriptions in bulk)
  4. Click Continue
  5. The Balance Check pop-up will display
  6. Click on the relevant Acknowledgement for each Drug

    Select this option if Balance After Transaction is Correct
    Select this option if Balance After Transaction is Incorrect
    Select this option to Skip. No Balance will be Recorded
  7. Once the Acknowledgement has been selected for each Drug, enter Password and then click Confirm

  8. The Prescriptions will be removed from Incoming Prescriptions and will be recorded into the Drug Register
  9. (optional) The Balance Check Indicator can be displayed on the Drug Register page
    1. Select Balance Check field in Cog icon and drag the column to required location