Configure your labels, set up a label printer or fix the alignment of the labels from Settings.
Set the label printer
- Navigate to Settings in the left side menu, and then to Printer and Signature Pad
- Select Choose, under the heading Printer & Label, select your label printer and choose Print or Apply (depending on your version of Windows)
- Once the label printer is selected, the name of the printer will display in the box next to Choose
- Use the Print button to test if the labels print and check the alignment of the label
- (Optional) If the text is not aligned correctly, select Edit, drag the text in the required direction, then Save > Print to check the alignment again
To remove a label printer
- Navigate to Settings in the left side menu, and then to Printer and Signature Pad
- Select the
icon next to the label printer
Label Options
The labels will be set during installation, and state-specific labels will be selected where applicable, however, the label default may be changed
- Navigate to Settings in the left side menu, and then to Printer and Signature Pad
- Select the label type to be edited i.e. Methadone, Buprenorphine/Naloxone, Staged Supply or Drug Register. N.B. Staged Supply and Drug Register labels have no defaults set (but may be configured)
- Select the drop-down menu to review the label types and specific state labels. After selecting the preferred label, select Edit select Make Default and then Save
- Select Print to test the alignment of the text on the label
- (Optional) If the text is upside down, select Edit, then tick Flip Label then Save and do another test print
- If the text is not aligned correctly, select Edit, drag the text in the required direction, then Save > Print to check the alignment again
If your labels are printing across 2 labels or if the alignment is still incorrect, contact StrongRoom Support for assistance
Prefer per product strength label type if available
Per product strength labels print one label for each strength of medication provided i.e when supplying Suboxone with 6 takeaway doses, rather than printing one label for each day for a total of 6 labels, those 6 individual labels will be combined onto the one label.
Per dose labels print one label for each dose
If Per product strength labels is toggled ON in settings, it is available for:-
- Supply Suboxone/Subutex
- Supplying consecutive days
- Only single dose(s)
- No change in dosage
If Per product strength labels is toggled OFF in settings, then labels will print per dose
Per product strength labels are not an option in some states and territories
Edit the text of the labels
- Navigate to Settings in the left side menu, and then to Printer and Signature Pad
- Select the label type to be edited i.e. Methadone, Buprenorphine/Naloxone, Staged Supply or Drug Register. N.B. Staged Supply and Drug Register labels have no defaults set
- Select Edit, the Label Settings window will then display
- Click on the text field to be edited, then select the pencil edit icon to change the text, use Templates to auto-populate information on the label
- Select Add for the text to be added to the label, then Save
- Select print to test the alignment of the text on the label or from Drug Register, double click on an entry for the label type edited, select Print Label to test that the label is auto-populating information as expected
Label Templates
Template | Description | Per Dose (Methadone) | Per Dose (Buprenorphine) | Per Product Strength (Buprenorphine) |
Patient Name | John Smith | John Smith | John Smith | |
Patient DOB | 12/12/1990 | 12/12/1990 | 12/12/1990 | |
Doctor Name | Bob Smith | Bob Smith | Bob Smith, Nancy Drew | |
Pharmacy Name | Drugs4Less | Drugs4Less | Drugs4Less | |
Pharmacy Address | 1 Main St | 1 Main St | 1 Main St | |
Pharmacist Name | Sally Park | Sally Park | Sally Park | |
Brand Name | Biodone | Subutex | Subutex | |
Generic Name | Generic drug name | Methadone | Buprenorphine | Buprenorphine |
Name + Form |
Product brand name + Product fo rm |
Biodone Syrup | Subutex Tablet | Subutex Tablet |
Drug Unit | mg | mg | mg | |
Drug Qty | Amount in mg (suffix included) | 35 mg | 16 mg | 16 mg |
Drug and Form Amount | 35 mg (7 mL) | 16 mg (2 x 8 mg) | 16 mg (2 x 8mg) | |
Drug Form | Syrup | Tablet | Tablet | |
Drug Strength | Strength of product supplied (only number) (only of first product) | 5 | 8 | 8 |
Dose Type | Dose type == single -> "a single daily dose" Split part 1 -> "a single daily dose (part 1)" Split part 2 -> "a single daily dose (part 2)" |
a single daily dose | a single daily dose | 10 single daily dose(s) |
Volume | Volume of supply in mL (suffix included) | 7 mL | [blank] | [blank] |
Script Number | 123 | 123 | 123, 456, 789 | |
Script End | 12/12/2024 | 12/12/2024 | 12/12/2024 | |
Prepared Date | Date the supply button was pressed | 10/10/2024 | 10/10/2024 | 10/10/2024 |
Taken Date | Date for the scheduled dose | 11/10/2024 | 11/10/2024 | 11/10/2024 - 20/10/2024 |
Todays Date | 10/10/2024 | 10/10/2024 | 10/10/2024 |