How do I record the administration of a long-acting depot injectable?

In this article, you will learn how to efficiently record the administration of an injectable.

  1. Navigate to the patient's profile by using the Patient Search option at the top of the application
  2. Select the Administer button

  3. Select the injection site on the body or from the drop-down

  4. Input the Batch Number, Expiry Date, and any Site Notes (Optional) for the injection
  5. Click Next
  6. An optional, but recommended, Patient Wellness survey will then display

  7. The Print Dose Reminder feature will generate a reminder form that can be provided to the patient 

  8. Enter your username and password to finalise the administration

The transaction will be recorded on the Controlled Drug Register and is also visible in the Claims section (under Injectable ODT tab) to submit claim directly to PPA.