How do I add a long-acting depot injectable script via the Incoming Prescriptions page?

In this article, you will learn how to efficiently add an injectable script to StrongER for administration after it has been dispensed in the dispensing software.

  1. Dispense the injectable in your dispensing software
  2. Navigate to the Incoming Prescriptions page at the top of the application
  3. Identify the patient and select the checkbox to the left of the prescription

  4. An alert will appear saying 1 Action Required, meaning more information is required to complete the script
  5. Click the Continue button in the bottom right corner of the application
  6. The Add Prescription pop-up will display

  7. Within this pop-up, various options can be configured
    1. If the injection is not going to be administered by the pharmacy, you can use the option External Administration - Mark as DD. This will enter the prescription as a Drug Register entry
    2. If the prescription is claimable, select the PBS Script option 
    3. The Dosage dropdown allows you to modify the number of injections that the patient will receive during a single administration
    4. Choose the Administer Now option, and enter your username and password to access the patient's profile