How do I activate or deactivate a patient or user profile?

Patient or User profiles may be inactivated, this does not delete any of their records

To Activate or Deactivate a patient or user profile:

  1. Navigate to Lists in the left side menu
  2. Select either Patients or Users 

To Deactivate a profile

  1. Select the pencil edit icon next to the profile of the patient/user to be deactivated.
    1. For patients: Untick the Active button
    2. For Users: Toggle Active off
  2. Enter your credentials and select Update/Confirm


To Activate an inactive profile

  1. Deselect the Active Filter in the top right-hand corner
  2. Select the pencil edit icon next to the profile of the patient/user to be activated.
    1. For patients: Tick the Active button
    2. For Users: Toggle Active on
  3. Enter your credentials and select Update/Confirm