Supplying staged supply medications is done from the patients profile, search for the patient in the Patient Search field
Dispensing a Staged Supply
- From the Patient Profile, click on the Staged Supply tab
- The Staged Supply prescription details and schedule are displayed
- Click Supply (this example is working through supply of two drugs)
- The Staged Supply pop-up will display
- Review the Supply details for the first supply and then click Add to Supply Cart
- Click on the second Staged Supply Drug
- Review the Supply details for the second supply and then click Add to Supply Cart
- Click on Complete Supply
- The Approval pop-up will display
- Review the summary of what you are Supplying (including remaining balance); obtain a Patient Signature (if using the electronic signature pad) and select Print Label if required
- Enter password and click Supply
This scenario demonstrates multiple Staged Supply prescriptions for one patient. That is why the Supply Cart concept is used. If the patient only has one Staged Supply prescription, the option would simply be to click Complete Supply.