How do I view the Destruction Register?

You can view pending items for destruction and what has been destroyed or reversed in the destruction register

  1. Click on the Stock Management page on the left sidebar
  2. From the drop-down menu, click Destruction Register
  3. The filters "Pending", "Destroyed" and "Reversed" can be used to filter for transactions
  4. (Optional) Use the Date Range, Patient, Product and/or Prescriber filters
  5. Record(s) of the transactions will display with the status of the transaction displaying under Status

  6. (optional) Double-click on an Entry to view the Destruction Details pop-up. 

You can export the report using the export button Any filers that are active will be reflected in the report


If you need to reverse a Destruction Register entry, please follow the steps in this article: How do I reverse an entry in the destruction register?