How do I add new cannabis products via the match popup?

This article shows you how to add new cannabis products via the match popup.

  1. Select the action New Product
  2. Select the product type as Cannabis, this will display the Add Product input fields

  3. Fill out all the required fields as per the product at the top of the popup

  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select How will you count stock for this item?

    Use 'Unit' (default) if you count the stock per unit of use (e.g. capsule, cartridge, injection)
    - Use 'Measure' if you are weighing or titrating stock
    - Use 'Container' when you count the stock in the containers in which they are packaged in

  5. Set the Prescription and Invoice multipliers. The quantity from your dispensing and POS system will be multiplied by this value (default: 1). Use this when you want to change the quantity to compensate for how stock is measured in StrongER. E.g. A liquid product, with a 100mL volume, is dispense per bottle but measured per mL in StrongER, the multipliers will be 100
  6. Click Match and enter username and password
  7. This will automatically link the product for any subsequent dispensing's

Avoid using this feature if you dispense cannabis products within Fred Dispense as BLANK DD, instead use the substitute product feature located within the prescription on the Incoming Prescriptions page