Drug Register filters
- You may sort your display by any or all filters including Medication name/Date/To From/Entered By or Transaction ID
- You may continue to sort this display by entering a Date range, (and for example, the Pharmacy Name)
- When you are ready to conduct a different search click the Clear button to reset your filters
- You may also search by the primary person that conducted the transaction by entering that name into the Entered by field
- You may also search by Transaction ID number
- Other filters include sorting by Imprest Only or drugs for Destruction Only
- Click on the Imprest Only button to filter for drugs stored as Imprest. The button is on when it turns blue
- Similarly, click on the Destruction Only button to view drugs pending Destruction
- To deselect these filters, click on the buttons again
- Move up and down the page by using the scroll bar and click the arrow to move through the pages on the Drug Register
Watch Video: Filters