Using the Dispense button under the Resident's medication chart (for Pharmacy)

Using the Dispense button

Dispense Button

Pharmacists may use the Dispense button under the resident's medication chart to record prescriptions dispensed.

  1. Click on the Resident's name on the left of the Pharmacy Dashboard - You will be taken to the Resident's medication Chart - the Medication tab.
  2. The last column shows the current Dispense status - either Dispensed, or a blue Dispense button. To dispense medications from this view, click the Dispense button

3. Use the drop down arrow to select the Pack Type - select from Packed or Non-Packed


4. Select any of the drug options listed, for example, Do Not Crush, Unusual Dose or Unusual Qty

5. Enter any drug notes into the Notes field

6. Then click Update

 The blue Dispense button will now be changed to a green Dispensed button - click on the button to view dispensing details.