The Settings tab

Settings tab (Pharmacy). You may use this tab to update your details, PIN or Password

The Settings tab is located on the Pharmacy dashboard.


Users tab

The Users tab is most often used by Residential Aged Care Administrative staff to manage New and existing Users.



The Organisations tab is used by Strong Room for the configuration of the platform when setting up your facility. This includes for example maintaining Locations, Rooms, the Medication List, etc.



The Roles tab is also used by Administration staff to create and edit user permissions. 


You may wish to be notified about certain Prescriber events. For example if a Prescription has been Created, Updated, Cancelled, Drafted, placed On Hold or if there has been an Administration failure or Adverse Drug Event you may elect to receive notifications.  You may receive notifications by phone or email.

Please contact your facilities Administration staff to set these events for you. You may also call Strong Room support on (03) 7065 4066. Select option 2. 


Personal Settings

You may update your own Personal Settings.

Multi-Factor Authentication

You may choose to add a mobile phone or email Multi-Factor Authentication for security. 

  • If you wish to be notified via your mobile phone number click move the Mobile Phone Multi-Factor Authentication button to the right, the ON position
  • If you wish to be notified via email, move the email Multi-Factor Authentication button to the right, the ON position. You may wish to be notified both ways and you can select both options

Account Settings

  • Click on Account Settings to Create or Reset your PIN

A PIN can be used by Nursing staff and Prescribers to sign off on Prescriptions/Administrations and Chart Reviews

  • Create or Reset your Pin by entering a PIN code (a minimum of 4 characters) then in the second field, enter your Password.
  • Then click the Save Pin button


Reset Password

You may also Reset your Password. A login Password will still be needed to login to the platform.

  • Enter your current Password into the Old Password field 
  • Enter your new Password (use the eye icon to display the characters you have just entered) into the New Password field
  • Enter your new password again in the third field as confirmation
  • Complete the process by clicking on the Reset button


  • Click on the Settings tab

If you do not have the required permissions to turn on the Alerts functionality, please contact your facilities administrator, or contact StrongRoom support directly. If you do have permissions, follow the steps below.

  • Click on Assign Alert Channels
  • To activate the Alert functionality, simply Select your role as Pharmacist
  • Click on the check boxes next to the Alerts you wish to receive