The Resident Info tab

This details the information you may find under the Resident Info tab


The Resident Info tab is the tab next to Medications.

Resident Info

To the left the resident’s image displays. If the image needs to be updated, follow the prompts and click on the Save Image button.  The resident Status will display as Active/Inactive/Onboarding. If the status is Active, then the resident is Active within the facility and prescriptions can be dispensed and medications can be administered. Inactive status can be set for residents when they no longer require their medications to be managed on this platform. Onboarding status is used when transitioning residents into the Strong Care platform. Onboarding residents will not have their medications show up on the administration round. Nursing or Administration staff usually update this image. 

    • There are 5 sections under the resident’s image

Personal Information

  • Name/Sex/Date of Birth
  • Medicare, DVA and IHI numbers are available
  • Scroll down the page to show the resident Location and Facility

Contact Info & Regulatory Numbers

  • Contact details/Next of Kin/Entitlement & Regulatory Numbers display

Prescriber and Pharmacy Details

  • Primary GP and Pharmacy Details display

Allergies & Adverse Drug Reactions

  • You may View and Add ADRs

Special Considerations

  • Select the checkboxes next to Medications Method, for example, Administer whole or Dissolved
  • Medication Delivery options may include Medication cup or PEG administration
  • Select the relevant checkboxes under Medication Administration where relevant, for example Water or Thickened fluids
  • Other Patient considerations may include Swallowing difficulty or Cognitive impairment 
  • You may free text Specific Instructions or Additional Comments. 
  • Then click the Save Special Consideration button
    • Nurses most often update this page