The Pharmacy Dashboard overview

Using the Pharmacy Dashboard

After you login to StrongCare, your default view will be the Pharmacy Dashboard. You will also see the Settings tab, your location and your initials. If you need to change locations, click on the location button to switch. Clicking on your initials will allow you to logout of StrongCare.


Left side of Dashboard

  • Resident images will appear on the left of the page 
  • To search you may enter the Resident name into the search field or use the scroll bar

Right side of Dashboard

  • You may click into the Select a Resident search field and type the resident's name
  • Ensure you use the dropdown arrow to select your facility. The pharmacy may be linked to multiple facilities. Selecting the facility allows you to filter the tasks in the task log to the chosen facility. If a facility is not selected all tasks for all facilities will display.
  • You may also sort by View selecting Unread or Read tasks 
  •  All medication changes occurring within the facility are listed on the task log on the right side of the window


The first column is the Status column which indicates if a resident's medication is New, has been Updated, or Cancelled.



The second column shows the Date and Time of the medication change.


The Resident Name displays



Medication Name: e.g. Endone 5 mg tablet



Displays the Prescribers Name



Name of Aged Care Facility


Medication Time (Dose): e.g., Daily 1 Tablet


Action: the Pharmacy Action required, i.e., Review


Tick: The tick on the right of the action button will move the row to the Read tasks folder


Review button

  • For all medication changes, pharmacy staff will action them by clicking on the Review button
  • You will be taken to the Prescription Details window. After clicking on the Review button the Prescription and Details page displays in the centre of the screen
  • If the pharmacist does not wish to review the item they may click on the checkmark button “✔” to move the task straight to the Read folder

(Refer to: How do I document Dispensed Drugs?)