The Medications tab

When you click on the resident's name you will be taken to the Medications tab, which is the prescribers view of medications



Medication tab

After clicking on the resident name on the Pharmacy Dashboard your view will default to the Resident Medications tab (which displays the Resident’s Medication Chart).

Note the other tabs on this view, including Resident Info, NIMS and Medication History tabs.

  1. This page displays the Prescribers view of Medications. To the left a snapshot of the Resident Information displays. 
    • Details include the resident’s image, Active/Inactive Status and general information such as Sex, Preferred Name, Date of Birth, Age, Medicare number, Concession Numbers, address, email and Phone number.  Last and Next Chart Review dates display under the resident image and information box.
    •  Clicking on ADR will display the residents' Allergies and Adverse Drug Reactions 

  •  Medications are displayed to the right.  This view displays medications, including Date/Time of the order, the Medication Name, Dose, Frequency and Route. You may filter Medications by using the dropdown arrow, or you may filter any medications by Type.
  •  The Status of the order will show as Signed or Draft

  •  The Chart Type of the order will display
  • Dispensing Information displays as either Dispense or Dispensed. Click on these buttons to view more information or you may click on the Dispense button to complete the dispensing process.

  • From this view you may also Create a Draft Order or download /print the Medication Chart by using these buttons on the top of the Medications window