Layout of the Administration tab

An explanation of the Administration tab layout for Nursing staff.

  1. Click on Administration on the dashboardimage-png-Nov-15-2023-03-18-48-1411-AM

  1. You will be taken to the Admin Round view

  2. The time of the admin rounds will be configured by StrongRoom, based on the requirements requested by your facility
  3. Please ensure that all Administration Rounds that you are responsible for - on your shift - have been completed
  4.  Use the dropdown arrow to select the correct Admin Round
  5. Then select the Location
  6. You could filter by room by clicking on the arrow next to the location name
  7. The names and images of the residents that should receive medications for the morning round will appear on the left
  8. Click on the correct resident's name that you will be administering medications to - the medications will appear on the right side of the page

Administration Layout view

  • In the middle of this view the Resident’s name and image will display
  • Under the residents image click on the PRN button (under the resident image in the middle of the screen) to access or view any PRN Medications ordered for the resident
  • You may also click on the NIM button, (under the resident image in the middle of the screen) to view any Nurse Initiated medications
  • Alternatively you may click on any of the tabs at the top of this view to access the same information
  • Toggle to the ADR button (under the resident image in the middle of the screen) to view Adverse Drug Reactions
  • Scroll down the page to view the resident’s Special Considerations (in the middle of the screen
  • On the right the medications to be administered will display. The first section of medications displays Packed medications with the number of packed Medications requiring action
  • All details of the medications display including the dose time, dose unit, method and when the last administration occurred
  • With MIMS integration medication images are visible next to the medication name and details
  • Pharmacy Notes will also display here for example, Do Not Crush
  • Note the All button with a tick or a cross. If all the medications have been administered you may elect to click the tick for quicker documentation
  • You may click on the X button if none of the medications were administered. Scroll up and down the page to view S8, Insulin Medications and Non-Packed Medications 

(Also refer to Documenting Medication Administrations)