What is the Drug Register?
About the Drug Register
After you log into StrongCare, your default view is the Drug Register tab. The Drug Register is your new electronic Drug Book, and is referred to as the eCDR – the electronic Controlled Drug Register.
The eCDR – the electronic Controlled Drug Register incorporates the entire eNRMC – the National Residential Medication Chart – you will see 6 tabs at the top of the page. Therefore the platform is being used to integrate full electronic functionality, replacing the Drug Book and paper Charts.
Your company may have a standalone eCDR platform - again, this will replace your Drug book, but will exclude the full nursing Administration functionality.
As an overview, this page replicates the transactions you would record in your Drug Register. For example, Drug Name and the Date of transaction of the Drugs recorded as In or Out and the Drug balance.
All transactions are listed on this page, rather than separate pages or sections of the Drug book.
However we have provided a search and filter functionality that will optimise the paper process.
(Also refer to other articles: Using Drug Register Filters, Transferring a Drug, Reverse and Entry, Destroy Drug Stock, Pending Destruction, Reconciling the Drug Register, Conducting Stocktake, recording Stock Deliveries)
Watch Video: Drug Register Introduction