How do I use the Dispense button located on the Resident's Chart?

Check the Dispense button

Dispense Button

The Dispense column shows if the drug has been Dispensed or yet to be dispensed by pharmacy. Nursing staff may click on the blue Dispense or green Dispensed button on the resident's  medications tab to see details of the dispensed drug.

1. Clicking on the blue Dispense button to show details of the dispensing information. You will see that the drug is yet to be dispensed by pharmacy. In this instance you may wish to contact the Pharmacy.

2. Clicking on the green Dispensed button will display details of the dispensed drugs with notes if applicable:

Details will include the Medication type and for example if the medication is Packed/Non–Packed, if the medication is an Unusual Quantity or Dose, or if the medication should not be crushed.

3. Use the drop down arrow to select the Pack Type - select from Packed or Non-Packed


4. Select any of the drug options listed, for example, Do Not Crush, Unusual Dose or Unusual Qty

5. Enter any drug notes into the Notes field

6. Then click Update

 The blue Dispense button will now be changed to a green Dispensed button - click on the button to view dispensing details.

Remember: When dispensing S8's please dispense the same brand which is supplied by pharmacy.