How do I transfer a drug into a new safe location within my facility?

After transferring a drug out of one location in your facility you will need to transfer that drug into the new safe location

Firstly, complete the Transfer Out process as per the instructions previously outlined. The method we are about to show you is a safe and efficient method of transferring drugs to a different safe location.

The nurse logs into the location which is ready to receive the medication.

  • Click on the Stock tab
  • Confirm the correct transaction
  • Then click the Transfers tab
  • Open the Pending In transaction to review the details
  • Confirm the correct transaction

By using the Stock Transaction method, you do not need to retype any details and in this way eliminates any data errors.

  • Scroll down the page
  • Then, click the Complete Transfer button
  • Approve this entry by clicking the Submit button
  • The Primary nurse and witness should enter their User Names, Passwords, then click Sign/ Complete
    • The Transfer is now Complete

      Watch Video: Transfer In
      Watch Video: Transfer In (preferred method)