How do I view the resident's previous Prescription and Administration history

Prescription and Administration history

  • Click on the resident's name from the Dashboard.
  • Locate the Medication History Tab - The default view is the Admin History. Toggle the button to move to the RX History


Medication Admin History layout

  • Selecting Admin History will display Medications already administered for the resident

  • In the first column, when the Admin History button is selected, the date and time of medications already administered display
  • The next columns show the Drug name, and Quantity per administration
  • The DOC, Dose Omitted Code will display the reason that the dose could not be administered e.g. O = Other Reason, H = Resident in Hospital
  • The next column shows the Administration status.  Y - Yes administered, N – Not administered. 
  • The Administrator column displays the name of the person administering the medication
  • Click on the Blue notes button to review any administration notes


Rx History layout

  • Clicking on the RX History button will provide you with the Prescription history for this resident. Use the filters to search by Date Ceased, Medication, Route or Type
  • Use the Clear button to clear your search filters
  • Clicking on the Update button will refresh your screen and apply any Date Filters that may have been selected
  • The first column displays the date the medication Started and Ceased.
  •  The second column displays the name of the medication, quantity per administration,  and the frequency and route
  • The Prescriber name and the Chart Type also display