How do I register a Prescriber or Practice?

Register a Prescriber or Practice under the Settings tab


Under the Settings tab on the dashboard, navigate to Prescribers tab on the left menu.

Search to see if the Practice exists

You will need to Search for the Practice to see if it already exists.

1. Enter the Practice Name into the Search field
Also use this functionality when a locum doctor is required to add a prescription for your resident
  • If the practice exists, the practice name will appear. If the Practice exists, click on the Practice name to proceed.

2. From this step, you may register a Prescriber under this practice name.

Register a New Prescriber

  1. If you need to register a new prescriber, click on the Register a new prescriber link

2.    Use the Find Prescriber button to double check if the Prescriber has already been entered into the database. If your search does not produce results, use the Register Prescriber button.

3.    After the Prescriber has been added to the system, and has completed the details as requested in the email, you will need to link the prescriber to the resident. To do this, you will need to move to the Resident Info tab.

(Refer to Article: How do I link a Prescriber to a Resident)

Register a New Practice

If the Practice name is not found, click on ‘Register a new practice’.

  1. Click into the Practice Name field to add the Practice Details
  2. Then enter the Prescriber Number
  3. Then enter the State that the Practice is located, and select by using the dropdown arrow
  4. Select the Facility that this Practice and Prescriber will be linked to by using the dropdown arrow - Every doctor is linked to a Primary practice
  5. Enter the Practice Email 
  6. Enter the physical Address  of the Practice
  7. Enter the email of the prescriber  that will be working at this practice
  8. Then click the Create Practice button
  9. After the details have been successfully submitted, click the Close button

The Prescriber will receive an email to confirm the account. The Prescriber will click on the link in the email to complete their account setup. Then the Prescriber will be able to log into the StrongCare database.

All details must be completed to have access to the Prescribers dashboard for the facility nominated.