How do I record Lost, Discarded or Damaged stock?

You would use the Outgoing button to record Lost, Discarded or Damaged stock. This maintains the integrity of the Drug Register

  1. To begin this process, click on the Outgoing button

You will see 3 tabs under the Outgoing window to record Lost, Discarded or Damaged drugs. Complete this process in the same manner as you would with the Destruction process.


Lost drug

  1. For a lost drug, select the Lost Drug button
  2. Enter Notes regarding the Lost drug
  3. Select either Resident Medication or Imprest/Emergency Meds/Ward Stock.
  4. Type the resident’s name into the Search field. Include Inactive residents, then click the Search button
  5. Select the resident name
  6. Use the dropdown arrow to show the medications currently stored for the resident
  7. Select the medication
  8. Enter the Quantity that is to be marked as Outgoing
  9. Click the Add button
  10. Click Submit

Discarded Stock

  1. Under the outgoing tab, click the Discarded button
  2. Enter Notes into the Notes field
  3. Determine if this is Resident Medication or Imprest/Emergency Meds/Ward Stock
    • If you select Imprest stock, there is no need to select a resident
 4. Click on the dropdown arrow to select the medication that is to be Discarded.
    • Begin typing the medication into the field and make your selection

5. Enter the Quantity to be discarded

6. Then click the Add button

7. Then click Submit

8. The Primary nurse and witness should enter their User Names, Passwords, then click Sign

Damaged stock

  1. Select the Damaged tab, then enter notes regarding this transaction into the Notes field
  2. Select either Resident Medication or Imprest/Emergency Meds/or Ward Stock
  3. Click into the Medication field
  4. Select the name of the damaged drug
  5. Enter the Quantity of stock that is damaged
  6. Then click the Add button
  7. Click Submit
  8. The Primary nurse and witness should enter their User Names, Passwords, then click Sign
    • Under the Drug Register, the Action status appears as Loss, Damage or Discard

      Watch the Video: Lost, Damaged, Discarded stock