How do I record a destroyed Medication?

(for applicable states) Destroyed Medication: There is an alternate method of performing destructions. You may click on Destructions under the Stock tab.

To begin recording a destruction, click on Destructions under the Stock tab.

Under the Destruction tab you may apply filters to Search for items destroyed.

You may search by Medication Name or by the name of the Resident. After applying your filters, click the Search button. You may search for medications Pending Destructions or review the Destruction Register. Use the Clear button to clear your filters.

Medication Destruction

  1. Click on the New Destruction button

  2. Remember you may add a medication to the pending destruction list if you are waiting for a pharmacist to attend your facility. Always follow your state’s policies regarding Destructions

  3. Enter the Reason for Destruction
  4. Enter the Method of Destruction
  5. You may enter a Courier Name or Courier Notes where applicable
  6. If the medication is Imprest/Emergency Meds or Ward stock, click this button
  7. If the medication belongs to the resident, click the Resident Medication button. Enter the Residents name, then click on the Search button.
  8. Select the correct Resident
  9. Using the dropdown arrow, select the medication that is to be destroyed
  10. Enter the quantity to be destroyed
  11. Then click the Add button
  12. Click the Destroy button
  13. The primary nurse and the witness are to enter their Usernames and Passwords 
  14. Then click Sign
  15. You will be returned to the Destructions page

Reversal of Medication Destruction

If you need to reverse the Medication destruction,

    • Click on the Destruction Register
    • Locate the medication on the Destruction Register
    • Click into the checkbox next to the medication

When you click the checkbox – a Reverse option will appear next to your filters. In this way if an error was made it can be rectified later.