How do I order Short Term Medications?

Short Term Medication, e.g. an Antibiotic

Short Term Medication

  • From the dashboard, click on the Resident Name you wish to prescribe the Short Term Medication.  You will be taken to the Medications tab for that resident
  • Click on the blue button Create New Chart +
  • Click on the dropdown arrow under Select Chart Type
  • Click on Short Term Medicine Chart
  • You may search by All/Brands/Generics or Custom Medications
  • Click into the Search Medication field and begin typing the name of the medication e.g. Cefalexin
  • Search for the correct medication, narrowing the search by entering the dose unit (use the dropdown arrow) then click on the medication you wish to prescribe e.g. Cefalexin 500 mg capsule
  • Click into the Start Date field. This will activate the calendar. Use the arrows right/left to move to the correct day/month.
  • Click on the date you wish the resident to begin the medication
  • Click into the Stop Date field and enter the date the medication is to cease
  • Tab or click to move to the Dose Unit field
  • Use the dropdown arrow to make your selection e.g. Capsule
  • Tab to the Route field
  • Use the dropdown arrow (or the scroll bar) to select the Route, e.g. PO
  • Tab to Prescription Quantity. Enter the number of capsules in the pack e.g. 20
  • Tab to the Quantity field. Enter the quantity/number of units to be administered per Administration round e.g. 1
  • Tab to the Frequency field. Use the dropdown arrow to select the Frequency, e.g. Daily after Food
  • The Periodicity will default correctly, e.g. to every 1 day
  • You may update the administration time in the Daily Time & Dose Quantity field as required
  • Check the Interactions and Analysis - by clicking on these buttons
  • Review the Notes/Directions fields and update if required. Add additional information below the line.
  • Update the Prescription and Administration options, and complete the Warrant and Privacy options where applicable
  • Under Prescription Type select either Private or PBS/RPBS as required 
  • Select the appropriate PBS/RPBS item code corresponding to the correct Clinical Criteria
  • Under the Indications and Streamline Codes, click on expand to see more information related to the particular clinical criteria
  • After selecting the appropriate item code, you will be prompted to click Confirm
  • Select Save & Approve, then click Complete
  • Return to the Resident Profile page. Check the resident’s medication orders to ensure the order has successfully been added.