How do I document the transfer of a resident?

Transfer of a resident: Your resident may be transferring out of your facility or transferring to a different wing within your facility

Transferring a resident who has left your facility


After searching for and selecting your resident, you will land on the default page, Medications. You will need to move to the Resident Info tab. 

  1. Click on the Resident Info tab.  You will need to mark the resident’s status as Inactive
  2. Using your mouse, click on the dropdown arrow
  3. Select Inactive
  4. Now click on the Save Status button
  5. Then click the Close button
  6. The Status has been saved to Inactive. Remember, when you search for this resident again, you will need to check the Include inactive residents checkbox

Resident moving locations within your facility


  1. Move to the Resident Info tab and scroll down the page
  2. Under Location, use the dropdown arrow to select the resident’s new Location
  3. Use the > to expand the Locations if required,  then select the new Room number 
  4. Then click on Update Location
  5. Click Close

You will also be able to see the new Location when you select the resident from the Administration tab.