Non-Administration of Packed Medications

Non-Administration of Packed Medications. You will need to document if you are unable to administer a resident's medication

  1. If all medications cannot be administered, simply click the X button on the medication header
  2.  If a single medication was not administered, click this X button
  3. If the medication was refused, select this option (Refused-R) or select any other option as appropriate. This is known as the DOC, the Dose Omitted Code.
  4. Enter Notes into the Notes field
  5. Then click Sign
  6. You will be prompted to enter your password
  7. Then click Sign

The medication that was not administered has dropped down the Packed Medications list, and the Dose Omitted Code will display.

In the event you have made an error, simply click the Undo button.

The documentation will be cleared and the medication will again appear at the top of the medications list.

    • Then click Sign