How do I document Dispensed drugs?

Documenting Dispensed drugs

Dispensing Details


  1. From the dashboard, type in the Resident name if you need to search for a particular resident. Or use the dropdown arrow to select the resident. You may scroll up/down to locate the resident.
  2. On the right, the list of unread and unactioned items will display

  3. To action a new order, click the Review button next to the relevant resident's name
  4. The Prescription Details window will display

Left side of Medication Details: This window shows the Resident Summary on the left. Details include the residents photo, Active or Inactive status, General Info such as DOB, Age, Sex, etc. 

The  Resident ADRs  display. Click on the GP Info button to see the prescriber's details.

Drug, strength, form & dose

A summarised current medication list is shown on the lower left of the page. 

Prescription Details

The Medication ordered will appear at the top of the screen

Dispensing Details

Dispensing Details are shown on the lower right of the window

  1. Next to Select Pack, use the dropdown arrow to select the relevant medication item. This list will display based on the prescription details above.

  2. After you have selected the drug, click on the dropdown arrow next to Select Pack Type
  3. Select Packed or Non-Packed. Selecting Packed and the various Administration Options, will show up as a notification for the nurses on their Administration Round.
  4. You may select other Administration buttons such as  Do Not Crush, Unusual Dose, Unusual QTY
  5. The pharmacist is able to add notes in the Notes text box
  6. Scroll down the page, and click on the green Update button
  7. After the update is complete, click Close
  8. When you click on Mark as Read the task is removed from the active dashboard list and you will be returned to the Pharmacy Dashboard page. The read task can be brought up again if you click on the Read filter button. Clicking on the Read button will show you items actioned.
  9. Clicking Close without marking the item as “Read” will return you to the Pharmacy Dashboard with the task remaining on the Unread task log
    • You are now ready to continue Reviewing and dispensing the next product