How do I configure Alerts for Nurses or Prescribers?

Alerts: Nursing staff or Prescribers may wish to be alerted to certain events that occur in the StrongCare database that relate to the resident's care

An Alert is different from a notification –  Alerts are assigned to a specific role, and will appear within the StrongCare database as a pop up alert, rather than be delivered like a Notification via email or SMS. Alerts require a specific action. 

  1. Select the Settings tab under the Dashboard
  2. Navigate and click on Assign Alerts Channels
  3. Use the dropdown arrow to select the Role (e.g. Nurse, Prescriber)
  4. Click on the checkboxes next to the relevant Alerts
    • After you have selected the required alerts for this employee,

      • Select Update Role Channels
      • Click Close

      Category of Alerts


      This Alert will indicate that an Intermittent order will soon be upcoming for  administration. It appears 14 days prior to the date of the next administration and allows 2 weeks to check or order stock prior to the next administration.


      Stock Discrepancy

      This Alert indicates that there is a Stock Discrepancy

      Chart Approaching Expiry

      This Alert indicates that a medication chart order is approaching expiry. The Alert will fire at 14 days, 3 days, then 1 day - to give you time to alert the Prescriber. The Prescriber may also receive the alert.

      Missed Administration

      This Alert indicates that a medication was missed during the administration round. The alert will appear 2 hours after the medication has been missed, and will disappear after administration has been completed. 

      Missed Stocktake

      This Alert indicates that Stocktake has been missed or is at least 2 hours overdue. After Stocktake has been completed the alert will disappear.