How do I conduct a Chart Review?

Chart Review. As a regulatory requirement medication charts are to be reviewed every 12 weeks or sooner for specific types of medications and/or e-prescribing requirements.



As a regulatory requirement medication charts are to be reviewed every 12 weeks or sooner for specific types of medications and/or e-prescribing requirements. This is extremely important as Medication Chart orders will only be valid for the applicable period. If Medication orders are not reviewed, the orders will expire and will not be a valid active medication.

From the Dashboard, S8/Authority Reviews and Chart Review dates display. Last and Next Review dates are clearly visible for each resident (you may click directly on the Resident's name from right side of the Dashboard). 

  1. To view a Resident’s Chart, select the Resident Name from the list on the dashboard
  2. After you have located the resident’s Medication chart, click on Chart Review to perform a Chart Review and script renewal
  3. If you are satisfied that all medications are correct and do not need editing, click on Select All
  4. When you Select All, the medications are highlighted in green. This indicates all medications will be continued.
  5. Click on the Sign Off Review button
  6. The Chart Review Summary appears. Read the information on the screen, then click Sign.
  7. Enter your password, then click Sign
  8. The details have now been updated on the resident’s Chart. The Last Review  and Next Review dates have also been updated on the prescriber's dashboard.
  9. Using Chart Review has renewed all the prescriptions selected for the resident. The next review date will be in  12 weeks time.
    • If you need to amend the details, return to the medication tab. Simply click the arrow next to the drug name, and edit the order. Then click the Edit Prescription button.
    • The Prescription Action window appears. You will be prompted to click Complete.

Alternate Method to complete the Chart Review

  • Begin the process the same way by clicking on the Chart Review button
  • Click into the medication by using the > arrow
  • Make any modifications to the order and review the order
  • Update the Notes/Directions field if required
  • If this is a draft order, click on Update Draft and Close
  • If this is a signed order, click Save Changes
  • If this is a signed order where no changes have been made, click on Continue Unchanged Rx
  • If you decide to cease the medication click on the Cease Rx button and Close
  • Minimise the order by clicking on the v arrow
  • If a medication order is highlighted in red the medication has been ceased or changed
  • If the medication order is highlighted in green, the order will be continued
  • You must review all medication to finish the Chart Review process
  • To finalise the Chart Review process click on the green Sign Off Review button. Read the Chart Review Summary page
  • Signed (completed) prescriptions (except Stat & Short term) will be cancelled and recreated with their end date set to the next chart review period, 12 weeks from now
  • Draft prescriptions will be signed and have their end dates set to the next chart review period, 12 weeks from now
  • Stat and Short Term prescriptions will continue until their original stop date or administration time.
  • Then click Sign
  • Enter your password then click Sign
  • Return to the resident Dashboard. The S8 Authority Reviews and Chart reviews can be located on the right side of the Dashboard