How do I add the Resident's Contact Information?

Resident Contact Information includes Address, Phone/email details and includes Regulatory Numbers

1.   Search for your resident by entering their name in the Search Resident field

2.  Alternatively you may select the Residents tab, and enter the residents name

3. Click the Search button 

4. Click on the resident's name and you will be taken to the Residents Chart

5. Navigate to the Resident Info tab

Contact Details

  1. Under the Resident's Image, click on Contact Info & Regulatory Numbers

2.    On the right of the window, enter the Contact Details, including Street Address, phone and email

3.    Then click on Update Contact Details

Next of Kin

1.    Move to the Next of Kin Details

Include the Next of Kin’s full name, their relationship to the resident, Phone and email details

2.     Click on the Update Next of Kin button

Entitlement & Regulatory Numbers

Moving down the page, complete the Entitlement and Regulatory numbers fields. Enter as much information as possible. If you do not have all numbers available, you may always return to the Resident Info page and complete this section later.

  • Click on Update Entitlement & Regulatory Numbers
(Also refer to adding Prescriber and Pharmacy Details)