How do I create a draft Medication order?

Depending on your role and your permissions, you may be asked to create a draft medication order

Overview of the Medication page

After searching for and selecting your resident, your default view is the Medications tab.

The Personal Information is visible on the left and under the resident image click on the ADR button to show the resident’s Adverse Drug Reactions.

Also note that the Special Considerations appear under this view.

The prescriber will be responsible for the Chart Reviews and the Last and Next Chart Review dates will appear here after medications have been ordered, and the initial Chart Review has been completed.

Creating a Draft Medication Order


  1. To begin this process, click Create New Chart
    1. Chart Types include Regular Medicine Orders, Insulin Orders, PRN Medicine, Short Term Medicine, Once Only Meds (Stat), Intermittent Medicine, Non Prescription Meds or Nutritional Supplement
  2. Use the dropdown arrow to select the Chart Type
  3. Select Regular Medicine Order
    1. Note that Generics is the default type. This may be changed by clicking on All, Brands or Custom buttons
  4. Click into the Search Medications field and begin typing the name of the medication
  5. Select the correct medication
  6.  The Date Created will auto populate
  7.  In the Dose Unit field, click on the dropdown arrow to select
  8.  In the Route field, click on the dropdown arrow to select
  9.  Move to the Prescription Quantity field
  10.  Enter the Quantity of tablets in the box or bottle
  11. Enter the Quantity of tablets to be administered to the resident
  12. Then use the dropdown arrow to display the Frequency options
  13. The Periodicity field will default
  14. If you need to update the Daily Time & Dose Quantity field, simply click into the field and adjust the time
  15. The Select Treatment Use dropdown arrow will display options, such as for Dental Treatment only. You may not need to use this field unless relevant
  16. In the Notes/Directions field you may add any additional notes below the line
  17. Then scroll down the page
  18. Enter any Prescription or Administration options if known
  19. If the Prescription Type is Private, click the Private button
  20. If the Prescription Type is PBS/RPBS click the PBS/RPBS button
  21. You may be taken to the Indications and Streamline Codes page where options will display. Click the clinical criteria to review, then select the radio button next to the Correct Approval Code as required
  22. Then click Confirm
  23. Then click the Save Draft button
  24. As the prescription draft and chart have been successfully created, click Close
  25. Scroll up the page
  26. Return to the Resident’s Profile
  27. Your Regular Medication order has been saved as a Draft
  28. You may review the order by clicking on the arrow next to the Order
  29. The Prescriber will then convert the order from a draft to a regular prescription order by clicking on the Save & Approve Chart button
  30. The prescriber will then click Complete. The Prescriber has converted the draft order, as evidenced by the Status recorded as Signed