Converting a Script to PBS - Onboarding

Converting a Script to PBS. This step is only required to be performed once initially for the entire residential medication chart. Subsequent chart reviews will continue their PBS orders.


Thereafter, you will only be required to perform PBS conversion for new prescriptions.

Prescriber Onboarding - Convert to PBS

  • From the Resident Dashboard select the Resident name - you will be taken to the resident's Medication page
  • Prescribed orders will display. Click on the > arrow next to the order to display all details of the order

  • Scroll down the page - then click on the PBS button
  • Indications and streamline codes will display as required. Expand the clinical criteria to select the correct approval code as required by clicking on the relevant radio button. If an approval code is selected it will auto populate on the orders page. Then click Confirm.
  • If this is an Authority Prescription Medication you may click the hyperlink to view the authority medication requirements. You will be linked to the PBS page to review further details. If you wish to proceed, click Continue.
  • Where you are required to obtain a phone Authority, call the number listed  in the Authority Prescription window.
  • Then enter the Code into the PBS Phone Approval Code field
  • Click Confirm
  • Review all details of the order 
  • The Prescription Quantity will automatically update
  • The Indication, Authority and Approval Codes will be populated into the chart.
  • Then click Save & Approve Chart
  •  A Prescription Action pop up alert will appear. Click Complete
  • You will be notified that the prescription and chart have been successfully created. 
  •  You will then be returned to the residents medication window. If this was a regular medication that you converted to PBS, the order will be updated and appear at the bottom of regular prescriptions, with the updated Date/Time. The resident Dashboard will also be updated.
  • In some cases after updating the order to PBS you may need to click Edit Prescription/Complete to update the order
  • Continue to convert all residents medications to PBS. This task only needs to be done after you first convert to Strong Care.
  • After this step in the onboarding process you can prescribe all new applicable medication orders under the PBS.

An alternative method of converting to PBS, is to complete this during the onboarding process. When converting the medications from Draft, the prescriber can select the appropriate PBS prescription before Signing and Approving the Chart.