Administering Patches

How do I document the Administration of Patches?

If a Patch is scheduled to be administered during the Administration round, the medication will appear under the Admin Round tab next to the Resident's image


Alternatively you may click on the Patch tab - You will need to search for the resident.

  1. Use the dropdown arrow to select the Location
  2. Then enter the Resident’s  name
  3. Then click the Search button
  4. Click on the resident name/details to activate the Patch Medication listing
  5. The image and details of the medication administration and the stock status and administration time appears

  6. Begin by clicking on the Remove Stock from Safe button 
  7. The primary nurse and witness will enter their Usernames and Passwords and click Sign
  8. Now you may document the administration of the Patch
  9. Simply click the tick button
  10. On the left the Patch Administration guide will assist you in selecting the Patch Location number

  11. Then use the dropdown arrow to select the Patch Location
    • Enter notes into the notes field 
    • Scroll down the page
    • Click Sign
    • The primary nurse and witness will enter their Usernames and Passwords and click Sign
    • Click Complete

The medication will have the updated Last Administration date noted on the medication details.