Administering NIMs (Nurse Initiated Medications)

You may administer NIMS within the Admin Round or outside the Admin Round times

Administering NIMS within an Admin Round

  1. Nurse Initiated Medications can be located by clicking on the NIM button under the resident image when you are within the Administration Round view

Administering NIMS outside of an Admin Round time

  1.  If you select the NIM tab you will need to search for the resident first- however either way will display the same Nurse Initiated Medication for the resident.  To search for the resident:
    • Select the Resident’s Location (if known)
    • Then enter the Resident’s Name
    • Then click the Search button
    • Click onto the Resident’s Image (the number of NIMs available will show next to the resident's image)

Administering the Nurse Initiated Medication 

The Maximum Dose per 24 hours displays, as does all details of the Nurse Initiated Medication.

  1. To document the administration of the Nurse Initiated Medication, click the Administer button
  2. Enter the Quantity administered
  3. Then click Sign. Enter a reason for administering the medication
  4. Enter your password and click Sign
  5. The Nurse Initiated Medication is now marked as Completed
  6. The maximum dose per 24 hours has now updated